Welcome to Life in Theory! Congratulations on finding us! This maybe the only site in the world that doesn't have a marketing plan nor won't be shared by the site founder on any social networking sites. The site is designed for you to find us if it's meant to be. If you look hard enough you may stumble up on us. We strongly believe that there's a reason that you found us and you may just find what you are looking for here.
It's important to note that we don't think we are right about everything. In fact, we have no idea if we are right at all. The information shared on the site purely for information sharing only. We have never tested our theories and we might never test them in the future. However, we do believe that everything has to start with a theory before it's brought to reality.
You will notice that the site will periodically update and change as we write more. Since our theories haven't been tested and new ideas are born all the time it's possible we change our writings from time to time. The next time you read our intro it might be something completely different. You will see that we are constantly evolving as we grow personally.
So what is this site all about? It's about LIFE and everything happens in life and why they happen to us. It's a place where I and maybe others share about our stories in life and our perspectives on EVERYTHING. Everyone has a theory for life. Your theory doesn't make you right or wrong. It's simply your opinion and how you view life. Who's to say your theories are wrong? I don't believe anything is absolute in this world. Science can only prove what we already know but there are many things that we don't know and we may never know in this world. I support you to let your mind fly! Always think out-side the box! If everyone thinks the same we wouldn't have had anything today. Inventions were not created by the ones that think alike. It takes certain type of people to come up crazy ideas to make a real difference in our lives. If you were to tell a caveman that one day we would be able to talk to each other from a remote location that's thousands of miles away, he'd looked at you like you just got stroke by lightning. Your mother would still be using fire and smoke to signal you that dinner is ready at home. So on this site we encourage new ideas and crazy theories! You never know that one day one of our non-sense ideas might lead us to somewhere closer to our answers for life!
If you are interested becoming a contributor on the site or if you have any questions please email us at lifeintheory2017@gmail.com.
It's important to note that we don't think we are right about everything. In fact, we have no idea if we are right at all. The information shared on the site purely for information sharing only. We have never tested our theories and we might never test them in the future. However, we do believe that everything has to start with a theory before it's brought to reality.
You will notice that the site will periodically update and change as we write more. Since our theories haven't been tested and new ideas are born all the time it's possible we change our writings from time to time. The next time you read our intro it might be something completely different. You will see that we are constantly evolving as we grow personally.
So what is this site all about? It's about LIFE and everything happens in life and why they happen to us. It's a place where I and maybe others share about our stories in life and our perspectives on EVERYTHING. Everyone has a theory for life. Your theory doesn't make you right or wrong. It's simply your opinion and how you view life. Who's to say your theories are wrong? I don't believe anything is absolute in this world. Science can only prove what we already know but there are many things that we don't know and we may never know in this world. I support you to let your mind fly! Always think out-side the box! If everyone thinks the same we wouldn't have had anything today. Inventions were not created by the ones that think alike. It takes certain type of people to come up crazy ideas to make a real difference in our lives. If you were to tell a caveman that one day we would be able to talk to each other from a remote location that's thousands of miles away, he'd looked at you like you just got stroke by lightning. Your mother would still be using fire and smoke to signal you that dinner is ready at home. So on this site we encourage new ideas and crazy theories! You never know that one day one of our non-sense ideas might lead us to somewhere closer to our answers for life!
If you are interested becoming a contributor on the site or if you have any questions please email us at lifeintheory2017@gmail.com.